Hemorrhoid Zone http://hemorrhoidzone.com Thu, 01 Mar 2018 14:57:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.5.9 External Hemorrhoids: The Facts http://hemorrhoidzone.com/external-hemorrhoids-the-facts/ Thu, 01 Mar 2018 14:31:16 +0000 http://hemorrhoidzone.com/?p=82 External hemorrhoids, also known as perianal hematomas, are visible hemorrhoids because they are usually found around or outside the anus. Unlike internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids are associated with moderate to extreme pain in severe cases.

They can cause a lot of pain simply because of the multitude number of pain-sensing nerves surrounding the anus. In addition, another factor that makes them more painful than an internal hemorrhoid is the placement of the former, which is in the part of the skin that is constantly moving and shifting as we walk, bend, squat or sit. This, in turn, aggravates the already inflamed haemorrhoid.

Like internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids can be accompanied with itchiness and burning sensations, mainly due to the mucus excreted by the hemorrhoid as part of its healing process. That is why individuals with hemorrhoid frequently experience a leaky butt, though not all of them dare admit it!

It is a relief, though, that the leak is not caused by the rupturing of the walls of the rectal veins.

The burden does not end there. Unfortunately, an unrelenting and irritating burning sensation is also felt when mucus touches the cut part of hemorrhoid. It is the same kind of burning sensation that you feel when perspiration gets into your fresh open wound.

Upon anal inspection, an external pile appears as tensed grape-like mass of abnormal growth in view around the outer anal canal. Using the naked eye, it is sometimes difficult to differentiate between the two types of hemorrhoids, most especially when the internal hemorrhoid becomes prolapsed or protrudes out of the anus. But if a physician uses a protoscope he can visualize them more closely.

Internal hemorrhoids are covered by columnar mucosa of the skin, while external ones by squamous mucosa.

There are some cases that the walls of the rectal veins bulge and rip apart. Blood pools under the skin and then forms into a hard, painful lump. The lump appears to have black, blue or dark purple or deep red tint. This is because the mass becomes filled with clot. It also has a shiny appearance due to the stretching of the skin. This lump is called a thrombosed or clotted hemorrhoid.

This occurs when an external hemorrhoid becomes strangulated – meaning that its blood supply has been cut off. A thrombosed hemorrhoid is associated with increased swelling, and therefore, will generate more pain. The pain usually peaks after 48 to 72 hours, and then gradually goes away over 7 to 10 days.

It may bleed a little for a few days and may gradually shrink to become a small excess skin. This small area of excess skin is called a ‘skin tag’. Several skin tags can give the anus a ruffled appearance. Skin tags usually do not cause discomfort but they can make cleaning your bottom after bowel movement harder due to the added crease they create. Smaller fecal particles may get lodged between the creases.

It is important to note that it is possible that you may get both internal and external hemorrhoids all at the same time.

Rectal Pain: A Common Condition http://hemorrhoidzone.com/rectal-pain-a-common-condition/ Mon, 26 Feb 2018 17:41:10 +0000 http://hemorrhoidzone.com/?p=26 Rectal pain is a common problem for both men and women. The pain may range from a mild discomfort to a severe one that can be incapacitating.

One common cause of pain is the presence of a hemorrhoid. About half of the population by age 50 would have experienced rectal pain due to hemorrhoids.

Imagine you are in a formal function or in a public place, and then you suddenly had an attack of butt pain. You look around but there is no place to run for cover. You struggle not to touch and scratch your butt.

Has this happened to you?

Wouldn’t you vow to find out what is the cause of your pain and stop it?

How about starting now…

Hemorrhoids develop when the normal veins within your anus become abnormally enlarged or dilated. It can form above the anal opening where it is not visible or within the anal opening where it is visible.

When they are not visible, they are called internal hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids range in size from a slight swelling under the wall of the anal canal to large sagging masses. The bigger they are in size, the more they are prone to prolapse or protrude out of the anal opening. A prolapsed hemorrhoid is considered a severe case of internal hemorrhoid.

Visible hemorrhoids are called external hemorrhoids. They appear grape-like and shiny due to the stretched skin. External hemorrhoids can become severe when it bleeds, pools in the skin and forms into a clot – producing a hard and painful lump. This lump is called a clotted or thrombosed hemorrhoid . You wouldn’t wish to have this kind of hemorrhoid. Find out why…

Most small internal hemorrhoids do not produce pain and are generally asymptomatic. They are sometimes left unnoticed and heal on their own even without any medical or conservative intervention. They are mostly painless because there is limited number of pain-sensing nerves above the anal opening.

However, external hemorrhoids can be responsible for most butt pain caused by hemorrhoids. This is because, aside from the numerous pain-sensing nerves within the anal canal, the location of external hemorrhoids is in the part of the skin that is constantly moving and shifting as we walk, bend, squat or sit. This makes every movement painful and uneasy.

The pain caused by external hemorrhoids can range from mild discomfort to extreme ones. Strangulated hemorrhoids are responsible for most excruciating rectal pains. You feel this kind of pain because blood supply is cut off from the hemorrhoid, depriving it with oxygen and in turn gangrene may set in.

Itchiness and burning sensations can also trigger rectal pain. These are the common problems faced by most people with hemorrhoids, and it is the very feeling of embarrassment felt by many. It is embarrassing because, in order to relieve the discomfort or the pain caused by itching, your instinct is to scratch the area. More so it is a “no, no” to scratch the insides of your butt just to relieve it, especially in public!

Whatever forms your rectal pain is, always remember that there are a lot of ways to relieve it (such as a Sitz Bath ) and most relief measure are just within your reach. You just have to know what your options are.
